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ARTISAN’s medically managed weight loss programs and services might be what you need to finally accomplish your health goals. Our on-site providers will conduct a thorough consultation to go over your health history and design a program that fits your unique needs. Browse below to discover our related weight-loss services.

Is There A Shot for Weight Loss?

YES! They're often called the "Lipo Shot" or "Skinny Shot."

Lipotropic or MIC (Methionine Inositol Choline) injections are used to help release fat deposits in some parts of the body. Some common areas include the stomach, inner thighs, neck, buttocks and hips.

How Do Weight-Loss Shots Work?

Lipotropic, or fat burning, substances include methionine which helps the liver remove fat; inositol, similar to methionine; choline, which distributes cholesterol and prevents it from getting deposited in one part of the body. In some cases, a combination of these may be given.

How Often Does One Get Weight-Loss Shots?

The average patient is recommended to get a shot once a week to help accentuate weight loss and boost the metabolism. However, your unique program may advise otherwise.



Are you looking to boost your immune system and energy levels? Have you considered a vitamin B12 shot? Vitamin B12 helps with a myriad of conditions including hair loss, fatigue, brain function, and much more. Schedule a quick office visit to give your body the nutrients it needs to thrive.


Why Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis.

What Are the Benefits of B12 Injections?

Getting a B12 shot:

  • Increases energy levels
  • Combats fatigue and body aches
  • Speeds up your metabolism
  • Improves your natural sleep cycle
  • Increases concentration
  • Improves overall mood
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Helps with weight loss and management
  • May help with hair growth or prevent hair loss

Who is a Candidate for This Treatment?

Pretty much everyone can enjoy the benefits that a B12 shot can offer. Young, active individuals thrive from faster recovery and increased concentration while more mature individuals appreciate less fatigue and the immune boost. We treat patients of all ages and lifestyles.

How Often Can I Get B12 Injections?

For the average patient, an injection every three to four months is an effective program for optimal benefits. If you're naturally B12 deficient, an injection once a month is ideal.

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Allergies can wreak havoc on your sinuses and immune system if left untreated. We offer the Kenalog Shot to reduce inflammation in the body and remedy seasonal allergies, allowing you to go about your day with ease and comfort while your body begins to heal from the inside out.

What is a Kenalog Shot?

Kenalog, an injectable corticosteroid, is a medication that reduces inflammation in the body, including inflammation related to allergies. Kenalog is widely used with great success to treat seasonal allergies.

How Long Does Kenalog Last?

Long-lasting steroid shots, like Kenalog, last for three weeks (up to several months) depending how your body metabolizes it.



Hungover? Dehydrated? IV therapy provides a direct infusion of essential fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals into the bloodstream for a quick shot of vitality! Boost your immune system and increase energy when you go straight to the source with IV therapy! We offer several IV Therapy “cocktails” to cater to all needs and benefits.


1L of Pure Hydration (Saline)

Bring your body back to its natural, balanced state with a basic Saline IV. Your body will feel amazing after 1L of pure hydration!

Myers Cocktail

Our most popular IV mixture, a Myers Cocktail is packed full of essential vitamins your body thrives off of. Feel AMAZING after this mix of B-12, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Zinc and Glutathione in a 250 cc bag of saline.

Whiskey Row Gold

Are you an athlete or getting back in shape? This is great after strenuous exercise! Whiskey Row Gold is packed full of B-Vitamins to help you recover in 250 cc Saline. Plus, it offers an energy boost!

Immune BOOST

Worried about flu season? This is a high dose, 25 grams of Vitamin C in 1 liter of saline. It's just what your body needs to help boost your immune system and possibly even prevent illness. Plus, it can help fight that cold that has you feeling crummy.

Medication ADD-INS

Make any IV Vitamin Drip your own with custom medication add-ins. Your dripologist can add Dexamethazone, Benadryl, Phenergan, Zofran or Toradol medication to your infusion per your request!



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As we age, it’s normal for women to experience decreased vaginal sensitivity and stimulation from occurrences like childbirth, urinary tract infections, menopause, urinary incontinence, and more. ARTISAN can empower women and help them regain their vaginal health and confidence through various services offered at one of our offices in Arizona.

I Can Have Vaginal Rejuvenation, at HOME?

Our Vaginal Rejuvenation Solution is a regenerative vaginal moisturizer. Harnessing the natural power of bone marrow stem cells, our system delivers lost bio-signals to restore a youthful micro-environment.

Our at-home VRS safely restores the vaginal wall using growth factors and cytokines without any added hormones. Physiologically balanced bio-signals from the stem cell cytokines reduce inflammation while the hyaluronic acid increases moisture that is native to the body.

What is the Woman's PRP Shot?

This injection involves injecting PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) into the clitorus, clitoral hood, labia and vaginal walls.

The growth factors & proteins released by the high concentration of platelets in PRP activates stems cells and stimulates cellular repair and regeneration.

Long term, this shot stimulates collagen production and the formation of new blood vessels to further aids in tissue repair.



Our hormone experts specialize in female hormone optimization. We perform an in-depth blood panel to check your hormones and thyroid. We then formulate a custom treatment plan to fully optimize your hormone health! Pellets and injectables are offered.

Benefits that women enjoy from hormone replacement therapy include relief from hot flashes and night sweats, improved sleep cycles, ease of vaginal dryness, more enjoyable/less painful sex, and much more.



We work with the experts at Tri-City Men’s Health to offer male hormone optimization. After an in-depth blood panel to check your hormones and thyroid levels, we formulate a custom treatment plan for you. We offer pellets and injectables.

Some benefits men gain from hormone replacement therapy include increased bone density, boosted libido, improved sex drive, increased facial and body hair production, encouraged muscle growth, reduced fatigue, and much more.

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Men’s bodies undergo drastic shifts as they encounter lifestyle changes or Simply from aging. Thanks to advanced science and medical technologies, there are services to improve your overall sexual wellness as a man. Our various services are helping men from all over Arizona live their best lives.

What is the Men's ED PRP Shot?

The men's erectile dysfunction shot is when PRP is extracted from the patient's own blood and then injected into the penis.

This stimulates growth factors, increases blood flow and can enhance your orgasm. The procedure is quick and is done with numbing agents to ease any discomfort.

Benefits include stronger and more firm erections, increased length and girth, improvement in penile curvature, increased sensitivity and stronger orgasms.

What About Penile Enhancement?

Millions of men around the world are unsatisfied by the size of their penis. This can lead to low self esteem, decreased libido and decreased satisfaction.

Penis filler is a natural substance that is injected into the penis (once numb!) to enlarge its overall size. This treatment is a quick and fairly painless procedure. On average, results last 12-18 months!

Get More From Tri-City Men's Health

Tri-City Men’s Health provides comprehensive care to include testosterone replacement, growth hormone optimization, performance enhancement, weight management, erectile dysfunction, and a variety of other health conditions that are most specific to men of all ages.








Are you looking to slow down the signs of aging? Curious to enhance your natural beauty through facial contouring? Want larger lips? Our aesthetic services of neurotoxins, fillers, and other cutting-edge technologies can make your beauty dreams come true. Learn more about our curated menu of aesthetic services to explore what’s best for you.