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Safe and FDA-approved, dermal fillers have infinite uses. These versatile injectables can enhance the size and shape of your lips, define your chin and jawline, and even reduce the visible signs of aging. Dermal fillers can contour the face and sculpt the profile you’ve always dreamt of.

Treatment areas:


What Are Fillers?

A Godsend that's what! Dermal fillers are safe and effective FDA-approved injectables made primarly from hyaluronic acid (HA) to soften the visible signs of aging and improve one's facial structure. Injectable fillers are effective, but temporary alternatives to plastic surgery or other invasive procedures.

How Long Do Fillers Last?

This varies from patient-to-patient based on how their body processes filler as well as lifestyle and diet. The average patient enjoys filler results for 6-12 months and sometimes even longer. Without regular maintenance, fillers naturally dissolve into the body.

Will There be Any Downtime After Filler Injections?

Nope! After injections you can expect minimal swelling and bruising. On the day of your injections, sleep face up and avoid heavy exercise, salty foods, and alcohol. Icing the area will help to reduce swelling.

Can Fillers Be Dissolved if I am Not Happy With The Results?

Yes! Most fillers are dissolvable in 1-2 treatments.



It’s time to address the signs of aging with neurotoxins like Botox® and Dysport®. Injectable muscle relaxants reduce the appearance of crow’s feet, wrinkles, and frown lines for months. With expertly placed injections, our patients enjoy natural-looking results when they visit us in Arizona.

Treatment areas:



What Are Neurotoxins?

Neurotoxins are essentially injectable muscle relaxants. When they are strategically placed, they work to relax certain muscles that cause wrinkles to form, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Learn more about Botox® here.

Learn more about Dysport® here.

How Long Do Neurotoxins Last?

It takes about 7-14 days from injection to see maximum results, then the average patient enjoys results for 3-4 months.

Will There be Any Downtime After Toxin Injections?

After your treatment, expect a little bit of swelling and slight redness at the injection sites. Any discomfort goes away in a few hours. Avoiding heavy exercise, salty foods, alcohol, and sleeping face down will help avoid excessive swelling.

Once I Start Injections, Can I Stop?

Of course you can. Neurotoxin injections naturally and gradually fade away if you choose to stop treatments.

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Looking to erase your double chin? Meet Kybella™: The first FDA-approved injectable to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat beneath the chin. It destroys fat cells, providing permanent and noticeable results. Kybella™ can also be used to treat specific areas of the body.

Treatment areas:


What is Kybella?

Kybella™ is an FDA-approved injectable to treat submental fat AKA a double chin. This treatment drastically improves the facial profile by permanently eliminating moderate to severe fullness under the chin. Kybella™ is a version of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring enzyme found in all of us that helps breakdown and absorb fat.

How Long Does Kybella Last?

Kybella permanently dissolves fat cells. In short, the fat just melts away. Most patients notice visible results 3-4 weeks after the injection.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The average patient needs 1-3 treatments depending on the amount of fat in the treated area. These appointments are spaced one month apart.

Will There be Any Downtime After Kybella?

There is no downtime required after Kybella, but you may experience serious swelling of the treated area for 24-72 hours. Some patients may feel a slight burning sensation for a few days as the Kybella works to dissolve fat cells.

We recommend avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and salty foods the day of and after your treatment since they may increase or prolong swelling. Icing the area for a few days is crucial to reducing the swelling.



Lift it… without the knife. PDO Threads are a minimally invasive alternative to a surgical facelift. A thread lift is a type of procedure wherein temporary sutures are used to produce a subtle but visible "lift" in the skin. Thread lifts can help tighten the skin in the lower and upper face.

Treatment areas:



What Are PDO Threads?

PDO Threads™ thread lifts are synthetic hypodermic needles preloaded with a PDO absorbable suture, it is used for neocollagensis or the body's process of making more collagen and skin tightening. PDO Threads won't leave any scar tissure and the best news about it is that will be fully absorb by the skin within 4 to 6 months.

What is The Treatment Like?

PDO Threads™ create skin tightening and neocollagenesis, it can be of the following: It can be smooth Have a twist have uni- or bi-directional “barbs”, reminiscent of other barbed sutures. The twist fibers in PDO Threads™ are generally placed in areas that would benefit from a slight amount of volume such as: Medial to the nasolabial folds The marionette lines In the vermilion borders of the upper and lower lips The procedure starts by inserting the threads in the target superficial subcutaneous plane and when the needle is pulled back, the threads inserted remains under the skin.

As explained initially, there is no “catching” of the dermis but simply placement of the dissolvable suture material that will breakdown over a period of 4-6 months. Then everything will be determined to the thickness of the thread and the metabolism of the patient's skin.

The smooth fibers in PDO are placed in a cross-hatching pattern like “mesh” of threads. It will result in improvement of the skin in quality and texture over time.

PDO Threads™ will be repeated after 4-6 weeks for improved results and to sustain results achieved from previous treatments.

Am I a Candidate for PDO Threads?

You may be a candidate for PDO Threads™ if you struggle with sagging skin, but don’t want to use traditional fillers nor resort to surgical methods.

Sign Me Up!

Are you a candidate for PDO Threads? We invite you to schedule your complimentary consultation with us where we will perform a thorough assessment, and go over all of the details with you. Trust us, we’ve got you covered!

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Lift and tighten the booty! We achieve superior results by combining multiple therapies to lift, tighten and firm the butt. The Morpheus 8® and Virtue RF systems can be combined with Sculptra® to enhance the size of the booty while addressing skin laxity and cellulite. Improve projection while simultaneously giving your booty a subtle ‘lift’ with the Sculptra® injectable treatment.

What are The Morpheus 8® and Virtue RF systems?

This modern technology uses ultra-fine, gold coated microneedles to penetrate up to 4 mm below the surface of the skin, and deliver controlled radiofrequency energy to the tissue. This treatment is effective at reducing cellulite and resurfacing the skin.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra, or Poly-L Lactic Acid (PLLA) is an FDA-approved, injectable dermal filler known for its long-lasting, glowing results. It is unlike typical hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers because Sculptra encourages your body to produce more collagen.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

We usually recommend 3 treatments, but this varies from patient-to-patient depending on their desired results.



As we age, we lose collagen and volume in the face. Sculptra® is a unique injectable filler that stimulates your skin’s own natural collagen production to help restore its inner structure and increase volume. It works subtly and gradually over time for more natural and longer-lasting results.


What is Sculptra?

Sculptra, or Poly-L Lactic Acid (PLLA) is an FDA-approved, injectable dermal filler known for its long-lasting, glowing results. It is unlike typical hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers because Sculptra encourages your body to produce more collagen.

What are the Benefits of Sculptra?

Once injected into the skin, Sculptra replenishes collagen and fills in lost volume. It creates a "lit-from-within" glow and produces healthier-looking, plumper skin. Sculptra enhances skin tone and texture, improves overall skin health, and provides long-lasting, natural results. Non-invasive and safe, Sculptra is a great solution for those looking to improve their skin.

How Long Does Sculptra Last?

Up to 2 years! Different patients may experience different results, but Sculptra is one of the longest lasting fillers on the market. Once injected, Sculptra results can be noticed in a few weeks since it needs time to develop. Results also improve over time!

Is There Downtime After Sculptra Injections?

No. Sculptra has the same, zero downtime as most other fillers. You can expect slight sensitivity or bruising around the injection site, but patients may resume their normal activities immediately.

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Hair loss occurs naturally with age. Artisan Aesthetics is helping patients address hair loss in Arizona with powerful growth factors from AnteAGE® Growth Factor Serum combined with advanced microneedling technology. This unique biostimulant formula is clinically proven to increase hair strength and growth within a few treatments.

What is The Treatment Like?

This treatment promotes hair growth in thinning or receding areas of the scalp. We treat the scalp with AnteAGE® Growth Factor Serum that is clinically proven to increase hair strength and growth. We will first numb the scalp to minimize any discomfort, then apply AnteAge® Growth Factor Serum before we begin to microneedle the area.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments needed varies from patient-to-patient, however we recommend 3-4 treatments administered at 4-6 week intervals until the desired result is achieved.

Who is a Good Candidate for Hair Restoration?

Typically, patients who have begun to see thinning hair in small areas of the scalp. NOT patients who have serious hair loss.




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Is the Arizona sun taking a toll on your skin? We offer medical-grade facial treatments like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, photo facial, and more to minimize the signs of aging. Improve fine lines, wrinkles, skin texture, and melasma in as little as one visit to Artisan Aesthetics & Wellness.

VI Chemical Peel

This peel will help to improve the tone, texture, and clarity of your skin and provide anti-aging benefits. Specifically formulated to rejuvenate and help prevent future damage to the skin, VI Peels tighten skin, smooth texture, and brighten tone. A great first-time peel for all age groups who want fresh, healthy, radiant skin.

Aquagold® Facial

This microneedling facial includes a unique blend of Botox and Hyaluronic acid for unbeatable results when it comes to that glowing complexion!

Diamond Microdermabrasion Facial

Our signature Diamond MicroDermabrasion facial is one of the most affordable treatments and produces amazing results! Our clients RAVE about this facial! This treatment helps to:

  • Improve skin texture
  • Reduce pore size
  • Exfoliate the skin
  • Brighten your complexion
  • Firm your skin and improve circulation
  • Reduce dark spots or melasma

Melasma Treatment

We use state of the art Melasma treatment therapy! While we can attack Melasma from many angles, one of the best and proven treatments is microneedling with a specific growth factor containing TXA which lightens and removes the Melasma. This treatment also includes a take-home bottle of serum that is used daily to keep the Melasma from coming back!

Photo Facial

A photo facial uses different wave lengths of light to penetrate deep into your skin. Benefits include:

  • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
  • Restores skin's youthful appearance
  • Improves treatment room results

Deep Pore Cleansing Facial

This combines our Dermaplane facial with a deep pore cleansing jelly mask!


Dermaplaning is a non-invasive skin procedure that involves using a sharp tool to exfoliate the surface of your skin, while also removing small, fine hairs. This is great for giving your skin that radiant glow while ridding the skin of built up dirt, grime and oil!

Acne Scar Treatment

During an acne scar treatment, LightStim® therapy is used in combination with either microneedling or plasma therapy, depending on your skin type and the evaluation by one of our expert staff members.

Mole Removal

Instant removal of skin tags, moles, lesions or scars using an advanced medical laser.

The 'Electric' Facial with Plasma Pen™

This facial shares similar results to a chemical peel yet goes a bit deeper into the skin allowing for maximum skin resurfacing and tightening. It is done using our state-of-the-art plasma laser device to deliver amazing results!

Plasma (Fibroblast) Therapy

The Plasma Pen™ is the worlds most advanced, non-invasive, skin lifting, skin tightening and rejuvenation device used to treat wrinkles, skin tags and sagging skin. This treatment can be used for a number of procedures to dramatically enhance the skin's appearance without the need for costly and invasive surgery. The Plasma Pen is an FDA-approved device used to perform fibroblast therapy. Fibroblasts are the most common cells of connective tissue in the body that produce collagen.

Skin Resurfacing with CoolPeel CO2 Laser

CoolPeel® laser treatment can only be done using the SmartXide Tetra® CO2 laser. The Tetra is the latest, most advanced CO2 laser. Only Tetra can control its output to deliver high energy in extremely short-pulses to deliver impressive superficial, skin resurfacing results without the lingering heat that would traditionally damage the surrounding skin. The lack of unnecessary heat is why we call it cool – get it? – and how you get an immediate aesthetic effect with minimal downtime.



Stretch mark reduction therapy is tailored to the individual person. Two different approaches may be taken based on your evaluation by one of our experts. Microneedling therapy as well as plasma therapy have both been proven to be highly successful in reducing and even eliminating visible stretch marks.



We use the most advanced system currently available! The Quanta EVO Series uses a photoacoustic effect targeting ink and pigment with no thermal interaction, thus leaving the surrounding skin preserved. These fragmented particles are then removed via the phagocytosis process.



Many patients seek out laser hair removal for aesthetic purposes, while others are looking for medical benefits to avoid future ingrown hairs and unsightly razor bumps. Men and women alike can benefit from the incredible benefits of laser hair removal.

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Resurface and revive your skin with microneedling, a beauty treatment known for its incredible results. One session improves the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, reverses visible sun damage, and much more. + Microneedling can also be combined with growth factors and HA to enhance results.

Treatment areas:


What is Microneedling + HA?

Microneedling, or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) is the use of a microscopic needle that punctures the dermis layer of the skin to stimulate a healing cascade, and triggers the production of new collagen.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in our body that binds to water and when paired with Microneedling can increase hydration and nutrients to the treated areas producing a smoother and more youthful look to your skin. Afterall, who doesn’t want more youthful looking skin?

What is the Treatment Like?

At your appointment, you will meet with one of our specialists who will go over your skin goals and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. We use a special numbing cream that we will put on your treatment areas to perform this very effective, and non-surgical procedure that is essentially painless! Once the Hyaluronic Acid is topically applied, we carefully go over it with the Micro-needling device to penetrate your epithelial skin layer to:

  • Gives a fullness and plumpness to the skin
  • Soften wrinkles
  • Soften scars
  • Improve skin tone and texture
  • Treats hyperpigmentation
  • Softens the appearance of stretch marks

There is minimal, to no downtime and skin rejuvenation can be noticed within a few days. You can expect mild redness with the possibility of bruising and/or swelling at the treatment sites within the first 24-48 hours.

Some patients only require one treatment, but depending on your skin goals you may require 2-3 additional treatments. For optimal results, additional treatments are recommended 6-8 weeks apart with a recommended yearly treatment for maintenance to follow.

Who is a Good Candidate for Microneedling + HA?

This therapy is not recommended for anyone who has medical conditions that could worsen with Hyaluronic Acid, has an active infection, cancer, prone to keloid scarring, bleeding disorders, or are currently taking blood thinners.








Artisan Aesthetics offers a wide range of wellness treatments in Arizona to help you look and feel your best. We offer IV drips for hydration, vitamin B12 injections, medical weight loss, Kenalog shots for allergies, and so much more.